Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity (a.k.a Paediatric Obesity) is a serious medical condition due to excess accumulation of fat in the body. This condition is seen in children and adolescence. It is important to understand the difference between the terms, obesity and overweight. Obesity means the excess accumulation of body fat and overweight means weighing more than normal weight. Overweight…

Overweight and Healthy?

MYTH? You cannot be overweight and healthy. FACT: There are some people who are overweight with healthy blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. For most people, excess weight increases the risk for heart disease and diabetes. The longer you are overweight, the more your risk of developing disease increases. While you can be overweight and…

We’re Back!

Starting next week we’ll be starting again our food delivery service. Thanks so much for your support during these hard times!

Binge Eating?

Eating disorders are serious mental health disorders. They involve severe problems with your thoughts about food and your eating behaviors. You may eat much less or much more than you need. One of the disorders is called; binge eating. Binge-eating, which is out-of-control eating. People with binge-eating disorder keep eating even after they are full….

Caloric Deficit

A caloric deficit is any shortage in the amount of calories consumed relative to the amount of calories required for maintenance of current body weight. A deficit can be created by reducing input/calories consumed (lower food intake, aka dieting).

Food Safety Tips During Flood Season

Follow these steps to keep your FOOD SAFE during and after flood conditions.  Do not eat any food that may have come into contact with flood water. Discard any food and beverage that is not in a waterproof container if there is any chance that it has come into contact with flood water. Food containers that…